Five Ways to Spice Up Your Work Wardrobe

When was the last time you felt genuinely excited about your work wardrobe? 

If the answer is “not recently”, it’s time to rethink how you dress for the office or for meetings.

First, you need to redefine your style. To do this you, hone in on three things: comfort, appeal, and budget. A wardrobe that balances these makes getting dressed in the morning easier and more enjoyable.

Start by gathering inspiration—from Pinterest, movies, or stylish people around you. Build a solid foundation of essentials, then we can dive into the fun part: spicing up your work wardrobe. Here’s how:

#1 – Ditch the basics

Once in a while refrain from your natural instinct to pull out that crisp white button-down and black trousers. 

I know, I know, that’s probably in contradiction of what we recommend in this blog plenty of times, but hear me out.

Wearing clothes for work doesn’t mean sticking only to plain pieces. When the feeling strikes, you can swap them out for something with a bit more flair.

Case in point, ever tried a well-tailored blazer in an unexpected hue, like forest green or light blue plaid?

Yes, it’s bold but that’s kinda the point.

Suddenly, you’re not just ‘in the room’—you’re commanding it.

Of course, let’s not forget to be mindful about adhering to a work-appropriate dress code when it comes to making a fashion statement. Though if we’re being honest, no office fashion police is going to handcuff you out of the building should you decide to show up in the office wearing a suit in salmon pink color. 

FTS BLOG - Five ways to spice up your work wardrobe - Salmon Pink Peach Color Suit from Zara

Now, if you’re just starting out, naturally you will want to play it safe in colors and style. Your wardrobe may likely be leaning towards the neutrals: black, navy blue, brown, white. 

However, once you get a footing on these basic work fashion items, it’s time to let your personality shine. Don’t be afraid to dip your toes in the following:

  • Prints/ patterns: Graphics, floral, animal
  • Colors: Bright, deep, pastels

The trick is NOT to go overboard, otherwise you risk looking costumey. There’s a place and time to wear a Spongebob necktie or neon three-piece suit, and the office is definitely not it.

Read: 8 Mistakes Professionals Make with Their Business Attire

Suppose your motivation to spice things up is to add variety to your already established basics. Then we see no harm in letting your essentials take the back burner a few times during the season in favor of a few trendy pieces.

Adding life to your wardrobe doesn’t require buying many items. In fact, what you want to aim for is buying a standout piece that you can reuse for many years depending on the season, or your mood.

#2 – Digitize your wardrobe

Did you know that anyone can now have a Clueless closet software moment? 😱

As if we didn’t need any more apps, but c’mon, Cher Horowitz would be proud! 

Having an app that organizes and catalogs all your outfits and helps you to mix and match them makes dressing up for work all the more interesting.

Come to think of it, how often do we encounter ‘OMG’ moments of rediscovering shift dresses or pants tucked behind our closets, realizing it could’ve been a better Monday fit for a work event or meeting?

Am I wrong to assume that what many of us had probably donned instead was the same style we had just worn three weeks prior aka the safe choice?

Well, it might be time to shake things up a bit. 

To help you have favorable fashion moments as well as easily spot items that are missing or need retiring, a digital wardrobe organization app might just be the answer. Some of these apps are:

  • Whering
  • OpenWardrobe
  • Stylebook
  • Fits
  • Acloset 
Finesse to Success - Five ways to spice up your work wardrobe - Digitize - Whering app - The Social Wardrobe & Styling App

There’s something oddly satisfying about swiping through an app, seeing all your pieces laid out, and planning tomorrow’s look with zero guesswork.

When getting dressed up for the office, you want to look stylish but also get out the door quickly, making it to your desk just in time.

#3 – Rearrange by color

If you’re on the fence about using apps to organize your wardrobe, physical organization can actually be a fun and rewarding activity.

A simple yet effective trick—rearranging your closet by color not only makes it more appealing but it also opens up new outfit combinations you might not have considered before.

Sprinkle some art into your wardrobe by following these easy steps:

Step 1: Group by color.

Step 2: Group by clothing type (tops, dresses, trousers).

Rinse and repeat, or switch up the sequence, until your wardrobe is both functional and visually inspiring.

Finesse to Success - Five ways to spice up your work wardrobe - Rearrange Color - Simple Minimalist Kornmari Closet Wardrobe

In the past, I used to organize my closet by simply grouping dresses, tops, and pants (step 2)—and calling it a day.

But as I moved between different countries and apartments, my closet sizes changed—from decently sized to really small, then back to large, and now to a combination of medium and small closets. 

With all these changes, I had to get creative in how I organized my space.

I soon realized that what I lacked in space, I could make up for in aesthetics. 

My last two closets taught me that visibility and easy access are just as important, if not more, than having a huge space to house all of my clothing.

That silk gray blouse I always paired with black slacks? Now, I found myself reaching for a bright red pair of trousers instead, all because my closet’s new setup made the reds stand out. 

By reorganizing your closet to easily spot all your options, your wardrobe can begin to feel less like an artless studio and more like an artist’s gallery. 

#4 – Play up accessories  

When in doubt, accessories are your secret weapon to instantly elevate any look.

A well-chosen statement necklace or bold belt can transform your entire outfit, taking it from plain to polished. 

I’ve lost count of how many times a simple necklace or scarf has saved my outfit from looking too plain on rushed mornings. Accessories do wonders for your workwear look, even when you don’t have time to overthink your outfit.

Read: Timeless Jewelry Pieces for Your Work Wardrobe

A structured handbag, slick earrings, or a printed silk scarf can make you look more put together in seconds, even if the rest of your outfit is on the simpler side.

Now when buying accessories, it’s helpful to decide which category they fall into:

  • Classics
  • Trend pieces

Building a versatile collection of both will give you endless mix-and-match possibilities for your outfits. When shopping, try to choose pieces that can be worn in at least three different ways or paired with multiple outfits. This ensures that each accessory works hard for you and gives you maximum value.

Pro tip: Add a POP of color! When an outfit and accessories stick to just two colors—especially if one is neutral—introducing a contrasting color can catch the eye and make your look more dynamic.

Finesse to Success - Five ways to spice up your work wardrobe - Jessica Alba in Grey Dress, Pink Pumps, Handbag

#5 – Invest in key pieces

Ever wanted to make a statement in a classic Balmain blazer? This is your sign to go for it!

Investing in a stylish piece can serve multiple purposes, whether it signifies an incredible milestone in your career or evokes fond memories from a special time in your life. 

This could be anything from vintage treasures that tell a story, to new designer pieces that reflect your journey.

For instance, in her book Living in Style, fashion designer and celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe shares how her love for vintage fashion has shaped her signature style. According to her, aside from sentimental value, some reasons she invests in designer vintage pieces are their budget-friendliness and the rarity—often, no one else will have it.

If your budget allows, investing in brand-new key pieces can also hold sentimental value. Consider it a gift to yourself, a well-deserved reward for all your hard work. 

I recall an unexpected trip to a Valentino store with a friend, even though we hadn’t planned to shop. Unsurprisingly, my designer-conscious companion fell in love with a pair of flat sliders. While waiting for them to try on a few pairs, one of their classics instantly caught my eye

I’m not usually an impulsive shopper, but when I tried on this pair of Rockstud heel sandals and felt how comfortable they were, it almost felt like a match made in heaven. The places and work moments I imagined I’d wear them filled me with excitement.

Finesse to Success - Five ways to spice up your work wardrobe - Valentino Rockstud Slide Heel Sandals Nude Store

Long story short, I walked out with those shoes, because in the end, I realized I could soon justify its cost-per-wear, when I envision wearing them for both work and personal outings.

Have you ever had a similar experience, where despite an item’s high price tag, you ‘just knew’ you had to have it?

Bottom Line

Upgrading your work wardrobe is all about making intentional choices that suit your personality and lifestyle. 

Swapping out your go-to basics for something more daring or streamlining your wardrobe with a digital tool is doable when your goal is to add more excitement and ease to your daily routine. A quick color reorganization can breathe a new life into old favorites, while a few bold accessories will help you stand out in all the right ways. And remember—investing in those timeless, quality pieces isn’t just about looking good today; its about building a wardrobe that works for you long-term.

Spicing up your workwear essentials doesn’t have to be complicated. What you need is to find smart ways to take advantage of what you already have.

Small tweaks can have a big impact, and before you know it, you’ll be showing up to work feeling more polished, confident, and true to your style.

•   Silk Blouses and Accessories to Dress Up a Work Outfit
•   Dress Shoes Styles for Professional Men That Exude Confidence
•  Women’s Guide on How to Dress Smart for WFH Meetings

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