First Impressions: Attract Success Into Your Life

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Why are First Impressions Important
Do First Impressions Really Last
Career Advice: Great First Impressions is Profitable
Guide to Elevating First Impressions (ARTICLE LINKS)
First Impressions: Key to a Successful Career

Hi and welcome to Finesse to Success! FTS is a platform for upgrading your image to help you attract more business and opportunities in life. If you’re new to the blog (or to your career in general), this blog is going to give you definitive guides on how you can achieve a polished, powerful presence—offline and online.

Finesse to Success is dedicated to those who want to elevate themselves. It’s for people who wish to refine their ways with the hopes to live a happier, more fulfilling, and more successful life.

Success comes to those who prepare for it and we’re here to empower you to help yourself in this journey.

Why are First Impressions Important?

First, let’s define what first impressions are.

Based on this research published by Psychological Science, first impressions are the judgments we make about a person, derived from our initial perception of their physical aspects, their nonverbal and verbal behaviors, and even the environments they inhabit.

Because human instincts are hard-wired for self-preservation, people tend to form split-second impressions of others so they can presume if those people have stable characteristics of their own.

Now having these facts in mind, we can better understand just what are the effects of first impressions in our lives—especially in our chosen profession.

From the moment we land a job interview spot, to the time we walk into a coffee shop to meet with a new client for the first time, we are being judged before we even had the chance to introduce our name.

We get qualified for a promotion or a referral, based on other people’s assessment of us. And so if you know how important the lasting impressions you leave behind are, you can work it out to your advantage to help you take your career to the next level.

Do First Impressions Really Last?

Research tells you that first impressions have been shown to last for months. But human experience will tell you that they can even last beyond a lifetime.

When you meet someone for the first time, the first thing they notice about you is your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, how you are dressed, or all of the above!

People can rave to their friends about you or their colleagues. But if you’re not cautious, they can also tell the whole world about their poor impression of you through social media.

Once people have formed either a positive, negative, or neutral opinion of you based on your initial encounter, it can be a tough challenge to reverse or undo it.

And if you’re in the business that banks on you having a good reputation, you want to really make a conscious effort to improve this aspect of you.

With that in mind, the key to making a great lasting impression is to give it your best shot. When you create a positive first impression, you stand the chance of forming a relationship with another person which can prove to be rewarding in the long term.

Career Advice: Great First Impression is Profitable

Many people dream of becoming successful especially when they see top dogs in their industry rubbing elbows with wealthy people, driving the latest high-end cars, or sporting swanky luxury watches.

They imagine that all high-earning professionals had to do were to study a course, pass a licensure exam (where necessary), and prospect just like any other business.

Yes, that sounds like an easy way to the top.

But the reality is far from what you see on the surface.

As a professional, you can look at yourself as a business. Where without individual components that make up the processes required to run a business smoothly, it will not function properly.

Many successful professionals understand this very well. They know that dressing for success is one aspect of attracting people to do business with them. And when backed with product expertise and negotiation skills, it can turn out to be a profitable venture.

So remember this: a polished presence is good business.

Don’t think of it as some form of vanity. But instead, think of upgrading your professional presence as a business strategy.

Guide to Elevating First Impressions (Articles)

To help you understand the principles of professional presence, here are some of our must-read posts on topics ranging from smart workwear to online presence to personal development tips you won’t find in many other places. Of course, you must also sign up for our newsletter to never miss a post!

The ABCDs of Image


It’s been said, 55 % of another person’s perception of you is based on how you look. So our advice? Dress how you want to be addressed. To get started, check out some of these articles:


Your behavior, demeanor and motivation all have an impact on the impression you make. So take the path of self-improvement to help build your poise and confidence for any situation you face. Here are the best articles to help you get going:


Without communication, it’s impossible to get your point across or make a connection with someone. Learn how to improve your communication style to influence your team, persuade customers and gain trust among your peers. Read some of our best articles:

Digital Footprint

A strong digital footprint shows an online impression that reflects who you are and what you do in real life. Craft an effective online persona to attract the right audience and build a positive impact on your business. Start improving through these posts:

First Impressions: Key to a Successful Career

Is making a good first impression at work really that important?

So, before you leave, let me just share with you some gold nuggets about why it’s so important for us that you understand the core message of first impressions.

  1. First impression is human nature

The first impression you make on someone will stick with them. It’s human nature to remember a person based on how they made us feel. These impressions may not always be an accurate representation of you that’s why you need to make a conscious effort of showing your positive sides, especially in a professional setting.

  1. First impression plays a part in why others want to work with you

As humans, we like to work with people we can trust. And the fact of the matter is first impressions play a role in determining other people’s perceptions of us.

The way you present yourself can affect how people perceive your intelligence, competence, and the quality of the work you produce. So if you want to advance in your career, you need to elevate others’ impressions of you.

  1. First impression is a lasting impression

People remember their first impressions of you and they are often the most memorable ones. Thus, to really make an impact, you must develop and present your message with poise, skill, and clarity. You must make sure that you present yourself well and have good manners when dealing with others.

In order to become more confident in ourselves as well as our abilities, we need to do something every day that makes us better at what we do. So start by perusing this guide, doing the work required, and let the impression of you be of one that’s refined, confident and elevated.

All the best!