33 Important Practices to Being Organized in Work and Life

Clutter is more than just an unsightly mess in our homes and workspaces; it’s a silent stressor that can cloud our minds and stifle our productivity.

When our environments are littered with unused items and our digital spaces are congested with excess, the psychological burden grows.

Numerous studies have substantiated the link between clutter and increased levels of stress hormones, highlighting the real impact of disarray on our mental health.

This accumulated stress isn’t just a personal burden; it also projects a chaotic image to others, leading to potentially unfavorable impressions.

Conversely, the act of decluttering and feeling detached from unnecessary items can be incredibly liberating, offering a sense of control over our lives.

Here are some actionable tips to help you get your space and mind in order.

1. Designate a ‘Home’ for Your Belongings

Keep your space tidy by having a specific spot for every item, whether it’s keys, documents, or tools. This reduces clutter and saves time spent searching.

Pro Tip: Instead of keeping ‘nice stuff’ purely on display or stored in a box—in the garage, attic, basement—use it, love it…show it off. You’d rather get it blemished or broken while enjoying it than collecting dust.

2. Implement the Two-Minute Rule

If it takes less than 2 minutes to do something, do it immediately. This simple rule helps prevent small tasks from piling up. 

Can’t tackle ALL at once? Divide the task or project into bite-size pieces. Then do a single thing or two at a time. It’s better to make a poor effort than none at all.

3. Utilize Digital and Offline Tools for Lists and Reminders

Apps like Todoist or Google Keep can help manage your tasks and remind you of them. Embrace these tools to stay organized daily.

Capture Habit: Whenever you have a thought or remember something you need to do, instead of trying to act on it immediately or worrying about forgetting it, capture it by writing it down or storing it in a designated place (e.g., a notes app, planner, or note pad).

4. Tackle the Hardest Task First

Start your day with the most challenging task. It boosts productivity and provides a sense of achievement early in the day.

5. Set Time Limits for Tasks

Allocate specific time blocks for tasks to prevent them from taking over your day. Use a timer to keep track or adopt a time management strategy like the Pomodoro technique for tasks requiring deep focus. 

Pomodoro Technique: Work in intervals traditionally 25 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute break.

6. Keep a Clean Desk Policy

At the end of each day, clear your desk. A tidy workspace can significantly enhance your focus and efficiency the next day.

Though leaving surfaces completely empty might drive you mad and tempted to decorate them (for self-expression), it would be best to adopt the ‘everything has to have a place’ practice.

7. Adopt a Weekly Meal Planning Routine

Decide on your meals for the week ahead and do one big grocery shopping trip. This saves time, reduces waste, and can also be healthier. 

Pro Tip: Keep a running list organized by category (item type or stores) to jot down things needed to buy as it pops up in your mind.

8. Establish a Morning and Evening Routine

Craft a morning routine that energizes and prepares you for the day. Include activities like exercise, reading, or meditation.

Meanwhile, set about an evening routine to reset for the next day and help your mind and body relax for a good night’s sleep.

9. Use the ‘One In, One Out’ Rule

To control clutter, for every new item you bring into your home or workspace, remove an old one.

Pro Tip: Whenever you’re shopping for something, designate a home for the new item BEFORE you swipe the card or hit the “order now” button. This can save you a fortune and extra clutter from impulse shopping. 

10. Schedule Regular Declutter Sessions

Daily. Dedicate 10-15 minutes daily to decluttering. It could be your inbox, your desk, or any area that tends to accumulate clutter.

Weekly. Take one drawer, cabinet, closet, folder, and surface at a time. Keep it organized by type, color, use, or alphabetical name order.

Monthly. Make it part of your monthly goals to catch up on organizing, taking inventory, and decluttering you may have passed in the past weeks.

Seasonal. Group and store items by season. Get rid of things you haven’t used in over a year. 

Pro Tip: Start a donate box or recycle box.

Pro Tip 2: When faced with the Endowment Effect, ask yourself the burning question (pun intended), “If I lost this item in a fire, would I actually spend money on this again to replace it?”

11. Plan Your Day in Segments

Divide your day into distinct blocks for specific activities (work, exercise, family time). This helps maintain balance and focus.

12. Practice Digital Declutter

Regularly organize and delete unnecessary files from your computer and emails. Keeping your digital space clean is as important as your physical space.

13. Maintain a Dedicated Work Zone

If you work from home, have a specific area designated for work. This helps in separating personal and professional life.

Pro Tip: Bins help spaces look more organized and it gives you a limit of what you can put inside it. If it doesn’t fit, you don’t need more.

14. Track Your Finances

Regularly monitor spending, savings, and investments. Use apps or spreadsheets to keep track of where your money is going each month, which can help you make informed financial decisions and set realistic budgets.

15. Prepare Your Outfit the Night Before

Deciding on your outfit for the next day can save precious morning time and reduce decision fatigue. Choose the day’s look including matching accessories, iron out any wrinkles, and hang them within easy reach.

16. Perform a Weekly Review

Take time each week to review what you’ve accomplished and what needs improvement. This keeps you aligned with your goals.

17. Label Everything

In both your physical and digital storage spaces, labels can save a lot of search time and keep things orderly. 

Pro Tip: When done in a visually pleasing way, you can be motivated to maintain its pretty look at all times.

18. Identify and Eliminate Time Wasters

Track how you spend your time for a week. Identify activities that don’t add value and reduce or eliminate them.

19. Create an ‘Urgent/Important’ Tasks List

Each week, list tasks that are both urgent and important. Focus on completing these tasks will ensure you’re always working on high-priority items. Using digital reminders helps but there’s also the benefit of writing in pen and paper for memory retention.

20. Set Short and Long-Term Goals

Break down your aspirations into actionable steps. Having clear, achievable goals for both the short-term and long-term can guide your daily actions and keep you motivated the momentum going.

22. Declutter Social Media Feeds

Just like physical and digital clutter, social media clutter can consume your time and energy. Periodically unfollow or mute accounts that do not add value to your life, keeping your feed inspiring and relevant.

23. Prioritize Your Health

Make time for exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep. Good physical health significantly impacts your efficiency and your ability to stay organized.

24. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Identify tasks you do regularly and find ways to automate them, such as bill payments or data backups. Automation saves time and mental energy.

25. Single-task Whenever Possible

While multitasking might seem efficient, it often leads to lower-quality work and more stress. Instead, consider batching, that is grouping similar tasks, aimed to be tackled one after another. This lets you experience the flow state, which can heighten your creativity and reach peak productivity. Focus on one task at a time for the best results.

26. Say No to Unnecessary Commitments

Guard your time by declining activities or tasks that don’t align with your goals or bring you joy. Learning to say no is key to maintaining focus and balance.

27. Regularly Update Your To-Do Lists

Everything worth doing takes time and dedication. Keep your lists organized and relevant by reviewing and updating them regularly. This helps you prioritize effectively and monitor your progress, setting you up for success.

28. Keep a Journal for Self-Reflection

Spend a few minutes each day or week journaling. Reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and how you can improve. This reflection is a powerful tool for personal development and organization.

29. Develop a System for Managing Emails

Regularly clear out unnecessary emails, create folders or labels, and back them up when necessary. This can prevent email from becoming a distracting time-sink.

Pro Tip: Adopt a ‘zero-inbox policy’.

Pro Tip 2: Use time in between short, mundane activities like gym reps, commutes or unexpected delays to clean up your inbox.

32. Backup Important Contacts

Ensure you always have access to your crucial contacts by backing them up. Use cloud services or export them to a file on a secure external hard drive. This is particularly vital in the event of device loss or failure.

33. Safekeep Online Information

Utilize password managers or even physical ledgers to securely store your emails and passwords, reducing the risk of forgetting them or using overly simplistic pass keys. Consider setting up two-factor authentication for an added layer of security on crucial accounts.

Benefits of Staying Organized

Being organized is not a mere tidying task; it’s a transformative process that yields significant benefits. Here are some compelling reasons to embrace organization in both work and life:

Saves precious time

The sooner we realize we have finite time on earth, the more we tend to value how we expend our energy and waking hours. Experiencing the benefits of achieving more in less time that comes with organization can motivate us to maintain it in the long run.

Clears up mental psyche

Regularly organizing and decluttering is akin to clearing the cache in our web browsers; it’s vital for our mental well-being, freeing up brain power for more important things.

Allows space for exploration and movement

Creating an environment that supports living, working, and playing optimally can be the key to a fulfilling life.

Knowing the top reasons why keeping organized matters is just the beginning. Now, it’s time to tackle the chaos—physical, digital, and mental clutter has overstayed its welcome.

Don’t Just Organize—Strategize!

Implementing these practical, day-to-day strategies can significantly enhance your organizational skills.

Start small, pick a handful of tips that speak to you, and gradually incorporate more into your routine.

As you become more organized, you’ll likely discover greater productivity, reduced stress, and an improved overall quality of life.

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